Program Objective
To prepare the student for the development of solid secretarial skills that will provide entry-level abilities for any business. With job experience, graduates of this program will qualify for higher level promotional opportunities within an organization. Employment opportunities are unlimited for individuals with a computerized secretarial background.
Career Opportunities
Word Processing Secretary
General Secretary
Competency Profile
Upon completion of the Computerized Secretarial program, the graduate should be able to:
Maintain high accuracy and speed in the keyboarding process.
Demonstrate proficiency in using computer word processing, spreadsheets and databases using Microsoft Office software programs.
Integrate proper English, speedwriting, transcription, and keyboarding skills in the production of excellent business correspondence.
Demonstrate adaptability in moving from one software application to another.
Promote positive attitudes, dress, and interpersonal skills that are acceptable in business.
Proofread and edit business documents.
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