Archive for the ‘Guides’ Category

Jun - 4 - 2012

Student accomodation

Where should you live ? Often when you start university you move out from your parents home and into some other arrangement. This is either due to the location, it is probably in a major city and you live to far away, or it is because as you are starting to enter the adultlife you wanted to move away from home and get a bit of freedom and become independant. […]

May - 15 - 2012

School - The Way It Is

You have to go to school Everyone has to go to school, at least those who have the chance to live in a country where such a system exists. Nowerdays children start very young, they might even go to kindergarten before joining school, this often helps parents who both have to work. See the good things Most children do not like it, it is a fact. Well, you do make […]

Oct - 23 - 2010

How to enrol successfully in evening classes

Evening classes are education programs that are offering training in leisure time like the evening or the weekend. These programs are called evening classes since previously they were only offered in the evening. The classes usually have exams and target adults and are especially in larger cities often offered in the daytime. Usually the participants have to pay for lessons, but in some countries the government may also award grants. […]
