A List Of Outstanding Master's Dissertation Topics In Marketing
When choosing a marketing dissertation topic, look for one which is in an area where you can add something. You do not necessarily have to come up with something entirely original. What you do have to do is to enhance the field with your work. Simple literature reviews simply do not do at the master’s level. Furthermore, choosing a marketing topic that is relevant to the present time or can add value in the future will be more successful than reviewing past practices. Here is a list of solid marketing dissertation ideas to consider.
- Consumer purchasing behavior in the western world and how it has been affected by the dawn of the digital age.
- Consumer buying behavior in developing countries and how it can be influenced through digital technology.
- How the advent of 3G and 4G technologies is affecting marketing efforts for online goods sales in the developing world.
- The story of Ali Baba: Can it replicate its success in China as a marketing and sales giant in the West?
- How does the freelancing economy benefit from marketing tools and tactics?
- What drives a buyer to purchase a new model of a high priced, premium, flagship model of a mobile phone every year?
- The incredible rise of Samsung: what role has marketing played in the South Korean behemoth’s success?
- How are fossil fuel based energy companies contending with the pervasive admiration for green energy technologies?
- How does a buyer’s behavior change due to change in geographical location?
- Video killed the radio star. Has the internet killed the old-world offline marketing methods?
- A study of the effectiveness of advance trailers on the success of new films and TV series.
- How do cameos by superstars affect the marketing efforts and success of new films and TV series?
- How can mobile telecommunications reduce customer churn without reducing their call tariffs?
- How do industry leaders like Apple and Amazon manage to charge customers more than competitors for a similar product or service?
- How has the advent of large screen mobile phones and Near Field Communications (NFC) affected loyalty schemes?
- Can mobile phone Near Field Communications (NFC) overcome privacy and security fears to become a dominant force in shopping?
- What affect does shopping at a real-world location have on consumer loyalty as compared to online shopping?
- The ethics of marketing in an online world.