TERM BEGINS July 9, 2001

Monday - Thursday 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

47 South Main Street
Mahanoy City, PA 17948
(570) 773-1820 - Phone
(570) 773-0483 - Fax
M o n d a y
  A165  Payroll Accounting

C305  C++ Programming

C381 Computerized Spreadsheets

L130  Family Law

M150  Clinical Medical Assisting II

M160  Communicable Diseases

S420      Keyboarding

T u e s d a y
A110  Principles of Accounting I

A130 Intermediate Accounting III

C361 Computerized Word Processing

CN140 Network Analysis & Design

E520   Presentational Speaking

E570  Student Success

L135 Civil Litigation

M125 Computerized Medical Billing

M140 Clinical Medical Assisting I

N140  Wide Area Networks

W e d n e s d a y
A175  Auditing

C315 Java

E530 Written  Communications

E550  Human Relations

N165  Windows NT

N175 A+ Certification Preparation

S430  Machine Transcription

T h u r s d a y
A110  Principles of Accounting I

B265  Contemporary Business

C250 Introduction to Programming

C355 PowerPoint

C390 Desktop Publishing

CN120  Microsoft 2000 Test Prep I

E505  Business English

E580 Job Search

L165 Contract Law

M120  Med/Dental Insurance & Coding

S400 Superwrite Theory

2650 Woodglen Road
Pottsville, PA 17901
(570) 622-7622 - Phone
(570) 622-7770 - Fax
M o n d a y
A175 Auditing

B260 Business Law

C330 Introduction to the PC

CN100 Introduction to Internet Technology

CN120 Microsoft 2000 Test Prep I

E520 Presentational Speaking

L135 Civil Litigation

M120 Medical Insurance & Coding

T u e s d a y
A110 Principles of Accounting I

C361 Computerized Word Processing

C370 Database Management

CN150 Mastering the Web

E505 Business English

E570  Student Success Motivation

N145 Network Architectures

W e d n e s d a y
A130 Intermediate Accounting III

B220 Supervisory Management

C355 PowerPoint

E580 Job Search

L110 Introduction to Paralegalism

N120 Introduction to Networking

CN130 Processes and Protocols

S420 Keyboarding

T h u r s d a y
A110 Principles of Accounting I

A170 Computerized Accounting

CN180 Unix

C390 Desktop Publishing

E550 Human Relations

L120 Legal Research

S418 General Office Procedures

225 Market St., 3rd floor
Sunbury, PA 17801
(570) 286-3058 - Phone
(570) 286-4723 - Fax
M o n d a y
A165 Payroll Accounting

B215 Principles of Management

B300 Advertising

C355 PowerPoint

CN170 Novell Netware

E500  Business Math

E580  Job Search

N130 Local Area Networks

N175 A+ Certification

S400 Superwrite Theory

S421 Intermediate Keyboarding

T u e s d a y
B260 Business Law

C361 Computerized Word Processing

CN110 Internetworking

E505 Business English

E530 Written Communications

E550 Human Relations

L431 Legal Machine Transcription

M431 Medical Machine Transcription

W e d n e s d a y
B330  Customer Service/ TQM

L125 Wills, Trusts, & Estates

M140 Clinical Medical Assisting I

N145 Network Architectures

N165 Windows NT

S418 General Office Procedures

S420 Keyboarding

S430 Machine Transcription

T h u r s d a y
C250 Introduction to Programming

C315 Java

C381 Computerized Spreadsheets

CN150 Mastering the Web

E570 Student Success

L130 Family Law

M125  Computerized Medical Billing

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