Sometimes the most difficult part of writing a psychology dissertation is coming up with the idea or the title, or the work! In particular, the topic of mental health is vast, so finding somewhere to start is really tough. However, since it is such a huge subject in psychology, there are plenty of fascinating titles to consider when starting thinking about your dissertation. Below is a list of suggestions for how to come up with your own title.
Current trends in psychology and mental health are a great place to start for titles and topics to write about, because there is guaranteed to be a lot of other articles and papers out there for you to reference and take inspiration from. In addition, if you know the parts of the subject that are being explored, it will be much easier to find aspects that have not been investigated to the same extent. Reading newspapers and watching the news on the television or online (where you can often get a better choice of topics) is a great place to start when thinking about what you want to write your dissertation on.
There are so many questions in mental health that are still being asked and to which no one yet has thought of a suitable or conclusive answer. This is a great place for you to start building your research! Read books and book reviews to find topics and subjects around which there are a lot of mysteries and start researching them. Alternatively, look at articles or forums online where people are asking questions and see whether there are any of those that have not yet been answered and that you could write a dissertation about. You’ll be surprised how many things are still unclear to us even now!
You do not have to think up something completely new. In fact, some of the best research that is conducted nowadays is researched about topics that are already being written about, but from a different perspective, point of view or with a different aim in mind. Therefore try introducing yourself to some popular or current trends in mental health and try to think of a new and interesting way of treating them, so that your research will be current but also innovative.