You have to go to school
Everyone has to go to school, at least those who have the chance to live in a country where such a system exists. Nowerdays children start very young, they might even go to kindergarten before joining school, this often helps parents who both have to work.
See the good things
Most children do not like it, it is a fact. Well, you do make friends and have a lot of fun. One of the common complaints about school is the homework. Children always think they have too much. And as you grow up and change classes you keep getting more and more and more work to do at home. It is only later on when you go to higher schools that you realise how lucky you really were. And that when you start missing the period when you had such little home work that you could play football with your friends outside every afternoon and not work about school anymore. You had most afternoons off, and only about 10-15 mins of work to do. However you need to grow up to realise all that you had. And when you start getting higher education you also get more selective schools, therefore you have more tests and exams. This means you have to start revising a lot and get pre exam stress. At university it gets even harder, some students actually lose a big part of their social life in order to study and pass. And once you have finish studying you can finally enjoy where you got to and start a job you are passionate about. Thats when you realise all the hard work and sacrifices you put in were worth it. Hopefully, you will get a good salary, get high ranked jobs and enjoy life fully. You might even start your own business and company and could become very sucessfull.