Composing A Title Page For A Dissertation: Tips For Newbies

Post graduate students have to write a dissertation; a written work of such quality that you normally engender respect for the topic when you go through it. It is written in a systematic manner and conforms to the format and settled patterns.

  • The methodology
  • The methodology is simple; it comprises of a Title Page, Introduction and an Abstract. Then comes the whole dissertation followed by Conclusion and Appendix. Each page has a distinct pattern which needs to be followed; you can only experiment with the content.

  • The patterns
  • The Title Page, for instance, has a Running Head aligning with the page number. The Running Head holds the entire title. You need to place the title, your name as the author, your institutional affiliation, the professor you are doing the dissertation under and the date of submission in the exact center of the page.

  • Setting the tone
  • They follow each other in successive lines; so that they fill in five rows on the page. The Running Head pattern continues through the dissertation, with the title placed in concise form. The Title Page actually sets the tone for the entire work; offering the work a professional outlook.

  • Introduction and Abstract
  • The new writers have to pay ordinate attention to the Title Page, but it is actually the Introduction and Abstract page which merits more attention. The pages need to be concise and to the effect. The Abstract defines the essence of the dissertation within 250 words while the Introduction is about 400-500 words.

  • Get enlightened about the topic
  • The newcomers can download the review template and go through a few research samples to get a better grip of how a dissertation is written. This way, he will also get enlightened about the type of research he will have to conduct and the junctures he will need to emphasize on. In this light, the whole matter of Title Page looks rather uncomplicated.

  • No scope for experimentation
  • The best thing about Title Page is that you can actually emulate the style given on the research sample entirely. There is no scope for experimentation and thus, there is no space to be original. You just have to ensure that it is composed in an error-free way; give special attention to the spellings.

Remember that you have progress with a free, open and impartial mind. Develop a perspective on the topic and spread it through the entire stretch of the work.

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