8 Best Tips On How To Prepare For The Dissertation Defense

The dissertation defense is the final step to obtaining a degree. A researcher should show the results of his or her work and prove that it was worth the time spent on it. Many graduates are afraid of the upcoming defense day, though it is a wrong thing to do. Here are eight best tips on how to face your examiners during the dissertation defense.

  1. Stay calm.
  2. Anxiety is normal for every important event, but you shouldn’t waste your energy on constant worrying. Lack of sleep, trembling hands and shaking voice – all these factors stand on the way to accomplishing your mission. Don’t think how to defend your work – just do it and excellent result is guaranteed.

  3. Know what you are talking about.
  4. All the information on your work should be stated clearly and confidently. Examiners will see that the person knows the material and will ask less questions. If they hear doubt in your voice, this will be a signal to start asking you additional questions.

  5. Visit other graduate students’ defenses.
  6. It is very useful to see both good and bad examples of the dissertation defense. Thus, you will understand what you should tell. Try to find successful examples similar to your topic so that you could understand more clearly what is required from you.

  7. Write possible questions.
  8. Reread your thesis and make questions to the most vital points of your text as if you were an examiner. You are sure to face some of these questions during the actual procedure.

  9. Make a good structure of your thesis talk together with the presentation.
  10. Many students forget to synchronize their thesis talks with PowerPoint slides they are showing to the public. Try to give logical information and accompany it with proper schemes or charts.

  11. Ask friends for help.
  12. A practice is required before a real dissertation defense. It can be done in front of the mirror, but there is a better way. Ask your friends to be your audience. Give them your examples of the questions and let them ask you. They can also improvise and ask other questions.

  13. Avoid distractions.
  14. There is only you and your defense talk – nothing more. There should be no distractions, until you finish writing your thesis talk and achieve degree.

  15. Visualize a positive result.
  16. Visualization is very effective, because it can give you additional motivation and strength to make the final steps and lift a heavy burden of waiting. You are an expert in your field and the time to show it has come.

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