Your academic success, recognition within scientific circles, and even possible employment depend on the quality of your dissertation. You should create a strong doctorate project you’ll be known for. Your dissertation in English literature should be approached with soul. It will be a success if you pick a good research subject, choose a helpful advisor, and work effectively. The following ideas will help you manage the task.
You should have acquired deep knowledge in practically all spheres of English literature by now, and, undoubtedly, there are some favorite writers, genres, or literary styles of yours. Devote your dissertation to the subject you are passionate about. The whole long-going process of working on your paper won’t be troublesome in such a case. Moreover, if any unexpected changes in your thesis or in the direction of research occur, you won’t take it hard and will be able to remain flexible in order to learn more about the subject.
There are lots of subjects in English literature that have been written too much about. Avoid them even if they are still being popular. For example, Shakespeare themes do not go out of fashion, however, it will be very difficult to find any idea in the field that is both unexplored and suitable for the whole dissertation project. Choose a new and somewhat obscure theme that can be researched even more in your further academic career. It will be great if this theme could be connected somehow to the popular streams in literature.
Find out what subjects of English literature are being researched at the moment. Pay close attention to the fields of interest of established scholars and famous writers. Let your dissertation reflect hot and widely discussed issues, and, undoubtedly, it will be a hit.
The success of your paper largely depends on your advisor. Be sure to choose an expert in the subject of your doctorate project. He or she should also have some publications in the field, lecture, and conduct practical lessons in the course of English literature. Moreover, remember that you will have to turn to your advisor very often in the process of writing your paper, which is why it is necessary to choose a like-minded and responsive person. It won’t be good if you cannot stand each other. A right advisor will challenge and motivate you for more, and you will definitely create a strong dissertation on any topic you choose.