McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
A001 Accounting Principles and Practice Module A Neeley Imke
A002 Integrated Accounting for windows w/ss application Klooster and Allen
A003 Paradigm College Accounting 3rd Edition Dansby, Kaliski, Lawrence
A004 College Accounting 2nd Edition Petters, Peters
A005 Managerial Accounting 8th Edition Anderson, Sollen Berger
A006 Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition Smith and S. Kouser
A007 Accounting The Basis for Business Decisions 10th Edition Meigs, Meigs, Bettiner Whittington
A008 Financial Accounting 6th Edition Warren, Fees, Reene
A009 Auditing 4th Edition Ricchiute
A010 College Accounting 5th Edition McQuaig, Bille
A011 Peach Tree Accounting and CDRom Bigham, Duke
A012 Accounting 11th Edition Meigs, Williams, Haka, Bettner
A013 Management Accounting 2nd Edition McWatters, Morse, Zimmerman
A014 Accounting Fundamentals Ruland
A015 A Review of Essentials of Accounting Anthony, Pearlman
A016 Accounting for Dummies Tracy
A017 How to read a financial report Tracy
A018 Accounting fundamentals Ruland
A019 Accounting Income Statement Eisen
A020 Accounting TB for BD Meigs & Meigs
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
B001 Technical Communication a Guided Approach Dostal, St. Vincent
B002 Business Communication Harcourt, Krizan, Merrier
B003 Essentials of Business Communication Guffey
B004 Human Relations in Electronic Office Church
B005 The Successful Students guide to career college Amos and Downes
B006 Business Dynamics Iverson
B007 Business Data Communications Shelly, Cashman, Hill
B008 Communication for the work place ettinger, perfe ho
B009 technical Communication 4th Edition Burnett
B010 Electronic Office Systems Van Huss, Daggett
B011 Speedwriting Pullis
B012 Speedwriting Workbook Pullis
B013 Speedwriting for Medical Professions Schaefer
B014 Speedwriting for Legal Professions Mango
B015 Customer Service and the Telephone Becker, Becker
B016 Customer Service For Dummies Leland, Bailey
B017 Training in Interpersonal Skills Robbins, Hunsaker
B018 Critical Thinking, Reading and writing Barnet, Bewu
B019 Your Attitude is showing Chapman
B020 30 days to a more powerful vocabularyulary Funk, Lewis
B021 30 days to a more powerful vocabularyulary Funk, Lewis
B023 Professional Reference for the office McCauley
B024 Procedures for the office professional Fulton, Hanks
B025 Procedures for the office professional Manual Fulton, Hanks
B026 Procedures for the office professional Application Workbook Fulton, Hanks
B027 College Vocabularyulary Building Instructors Edition 10th Edition Perry
B028 College Vocabularyulary Building Instructors Edition 10th Edition workbook Perry
B029 Busness Communication 5th edition Instructors edition Hemphill, McCormick
B030 Business Communication 5th edition Instructors edition Hemphill, McCormick
B031 Speedwriting for Medical Professions Pullis, Pullis, Schaefer
B033 Business Communication Hemphill, McCormick, Hemphill
B034 Proofreading for business and CD Bogle
B035 Searchin for a fob 2 Pace
B036 Customer Service a Practice Approach Harris
B037 Gregg Reference Manual Sabin
B038 Writer's Tool Box Strong
B039 The Basics at a glance Buscemi, Nicolai, Strugala
B040 Excellence in Business Communication Thill, Bovee
B041 Excellence in Business Communication Study Guide Thill, Bovee
B042 Vocabularyularyulary Growth Hennings
B043 Vocabularyularyulary Growth Hennings
B044 Basic Letter and Memo Writing 4th Edition VanHuss
B045 Basic English Review Schacter, Clark, Schneiter
B046 Communication for the work place Means
B047 How to write it Lamb
B048 Say it with Presentations Zelazny
B049 Keys to reading an annual report Friedlob, Welton
B050 Carreer Day Harvey, Schutz
B051 Applied English Skills 2nd Edition Mockaitis
B052 A manual for writers 6th Edition Turabian
B053 The Paradigm guide to english essentials Con Don, Andera
B054 The Paradigm guide to english essentials workbook Con Don, Andera
B055 Vocabularyulary Basics Cox
B056 Basic English Review Schactter, Clark Schmeiter
B057 Basic Letter Memo Writing Van Huss
B058 English and communication for colleges Henson, Means
B059 Communication for the work place Means
B060 Donald Trump Video
B061 MiltonHershey Video
B062 Ray Kroc Video
B063 Aand E Biography Corlnell Sanders Video
B064 Henry Ford Video
B065 Industrial Revelution Video
B066 History of the Dow. Video
B067 Modern Marvel- the Stock Exchange Video
B068 Supply and Demand Video
B069 UPS and Downs of Stocks Video
B070 Reading Dynamics Evelyn Wood Video
B071 Reading Dynamics Evelyn Wood Video
B072 Reading Dynamics Evelyn Wood Video
B073 Reading Dynamics Workbook Evelyn Wood Video
B074 Reading Dynamics Workbook Evelyn Wood Video
B075 Management of a Salesforce Staton, Spiro
B077 Your Career How to Make it Happen Southwestern Education Publishing
B078 Business communication with writing improvement 6th Edition Hemphill, McCormick, Hemphill
B079 Procedures for the Automated Office 5th Edition urton, Shelton, Jenings
B080 Mirror on America Short Essays and images from Popular Cultures Mims, Nollen
B081 The New St Martin's Handbook Lunsford, Connors
B082 Patterns for College Writing 8th Edition Kirszner, Mandell
B084 Assigning, Pesponding, Evaluating a writing teachers guide 3rd edition White
B085 Teaching Developmental Writing Benstein
B086 The Bed-Ford Guide for Writing Tutors Ryan
B087 Choices A Basic Writing Guide with Readings 2nd Edition Mangelsdorf, Posey
B088 The New St Martin's Handbook Lex, Runciman
B089 The New St Martin's Handbook Lex, Runciman
B090 Writing 1st Practice in Context with Readings Kirszner, Mandell
B091 Bed-ford Basics A Workbook for writers Hacker, Van Goor
B092 Bed-ford Basics A Workbook for writers Hacker, Van Goor
B093 A commonsense guide to Grammar and Usage Beason, Lester
B094 Rules for Writers Hacker
B095 Structuring paragraphs and Essays 5th Edition Parks, Levernier, Hollowell
B096 The St. Martins guide to writing Axelrod, Cooper
B097 Choices A Basic Writing Guide with Readings 2nd Edition Mangelsdorf, Posey
B098 America Now Roert Atwan
B108 Easy Writer Lunsford, Connors
B109 Reading Critically--Writing well 6th Edition Axelrod, Cooper
B114 Convergences Atwan
B119 Easy Writer Lunsford, Connors
B120 A commonsense guide to Grammar and Usage Beason, Lester
B121 A commonsense guide to Grammar and Usage Beason, Lester
B122 Mosaics Paragraphs in Context 2nd Ed. Instr. Flachmann
B123 The Everyday Writer Online (CD) 2nd Ed. Lunsford, Connors
B124 America Now 4th Ed. Inst. Atwan
B125 Concise Guide to Writing Axelrod, Cooper
B126 Mosaics Focusing on Sentences 2nd Ed. Instr. Flachmann
B127 The Job Search Handbook Robbins
B128 Resume Writing Made Easy 7th Ed. Brown
B129 Taking Charge of your Career Direction 4th Ed. Book 1 Lock
B130 2002 Student Success Prentice Hall
B131 2002 Career Development Prentice Hall
B132 Workplace Companion A student work-based learning noteb Carl, Sargent
B133 Subjects/Strategies a writer's reader 9th Ed. Eschholz, Rosa
B134 Writing Talk Paragraphs & short essays 2nd. Ed. Winkler, Mccuen
B135 Focus writing sentences and Paragraphs Campbell
B136 Mosaics Focusing on Paragraphs in Context Flachmann
B137 Foundations First Kirszner, Mandell
B138 Foundations First Inst. Ed. Kirszner, Mandell
B139 Reference Library for Student Success #2 Goal Setting Video
B140 "#3 Critical and Creative thinking Video
B141 "#4 Reading Effectively Video
B142 "#6 Note taking and Research Video
B143 "#7 Writing Effectively Video
B144 "#8 Effective Test Taking Video
B145 How to use graphic organizers to promote student thinking Video
B146 How to Improve your questioning techniques Video
B147 How to organize student learning groups Video
B148 How to Teach Study Skills Video
B149 How to Engage Students in Critical Thinking Video
B150 2002 Miller Gaap Guide Williams
B151 Models for Writers Rosa/Eschholz
B152 Letters for all Occasions Myers
B153 The Ropes to Skip Ritti
B154 Influence w/out Authority Bradford
B155 How to Write Better Bus. Geffner
B156 English Simplified Ellsworth
B157 Economics McConnell/Brue
B158 Charlando Rinehart/Winston
B159 Essential Study Strategies Pauk
B160 Reference Library for Student Success #1 Video
B161 Reference Library for Student Success #2 Video
B162 Reference Library for Student Success #3 Video
B163 Reference Library for Student Success #4 Video
B164 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #5 Video
B165 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #6 Video
B166 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #7 Video
B167 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #8 Video
B168 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #9 Video
B169 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #12 Video
B170 How to Study Gallagher
B171 Management of Org. Griffin
B172 Economics USA Mansfield
B173 Law of Life Ins. Goldin
B174 Legal Env. Of Bus. Carly, Reed. Shedd
B175 So you want to be a Paralegal Video
B176 You and the Law Video
B177 You and the Law Video
B178 Polishing the Apple Video
B179 Landing your first Paralega Job Video
B180 Access to Justice Video
B181 Paralegal Ethics Video
B182 Building Customer Loyalty Glanz
B183 ABCs of Relationship Selling Futrell
B184 Public Speaking Gregory
B185 Human Relations Dubrin
B186 Advertising O'Guinn Allen Semenik
B187 Man's Searching for Meaning Frankl Viktor E.
B188 Raving Fans Blanchard Ken/Bowles Sheldon
B189 The Story of Art Gombrich
B190 A Short History of Nearly Everything Bryson
B191 Basic Math & Pre-Algebra for the Clueless Miller
B192 How to Read a Book Adler/Van Doren
B193 Research Methodology Kumar
B194 The Well Educated Mind Bauer
B195 Mythology Hamilton
B196 A Brief History of Time Hawking
B197 The Friendly Shakespeare Epstein
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
C001 A+Certification for Dummies (CD) Gilster
C002 Programming in C++ Knowlton
C003 Intro to computer Science using C++ 2 disk Knowlton
C004 Fundamentals of Program Design and Data Structures with C++ Lambert, Naps
C005 Object oriented Programming Using C++ Farrell
C006 MS Word 97 Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Shaffer
C007 Teach yourself C++ in 21 Days Liberty
C008 C++ Builder 3 for dummies cd Vokes
C009 C++ Programming Design 1 disk Cohoon, Davison
C010 Peter Norlon's Intro to Computers 2nd Edition Norton
C011 Intro to Computers with Netscape Navigator Norton
C012 Computer Concepts 2nd Edition Parsons, Oja
C013 College Keyboarding WP 6.1/7 Van Huss, Duncan, Ford, Woo
C014 Keyboarding and Document Processing Kit Ober, Poland , Hanson, Rosetti, Johnson
C015 Document Processing for Micro Computers 7th Edition kit 3 Ober, Poland , Hanson, Rosetti, Johnson
C016 Document Processing for Micro Computers 7th Edition kit 2 Ober, Poland , Hanson, Rosetti, Johnson
C017 Learning and using Dbase III Plus #1 Astiton, Tate
C018 Learning and using Dbase III Plus #2 Astiton, Tate
C019 Hands on internet for windows SalKind
C020 Teach Yourself HTML4 Oliver
C021 Brief Edition 5th Edition Computers Long, Long
C022 Fith Edition Computers Long, Long
C023 Windows NT 4.0 disk Norton
C024 Windows 98 Norton
C025 Essential Concepts Norton
C026 Hands on internet for windows SalKind
C027 E. Commerce Busines on the internet Melaren and MeLaren
C028 MS Word 97 to Create Web Pages Napier, Judd
C029 Learnin the internet for Business disk Katsaropoulos, Berkemeyer, mayo Vesecky
C030 Business Data Communications Shelly Cashman Servatka
C031 Computer and Information Systems Davis
C032 Computers 5th edition Instructors Manual Long, Long
C033 MS Excel 97 Ageloff, Parsons Oja, Carey
C034 Office Machines 4th Edition McKenbier, Hughes
C035 Electronic Business Machines Calculation Schneck, Giordano
C036 A Guide to Help Desk Concepts Knapp
C037 College Keyboarding and Document Processing Work 97 kit 1 Ober, Hansen, Johnson, Rice
C038 College Keyboarding and Document Processing WP 6.1 Ober, Hansen, Poland, Rosetti
C039 College Keyboarding and Document Processing WP 6.1 kit 2 Ober, Hansen, Poland, Rosetti
C040 MS office for Windows 95 Swanson, Reding, Beskeen, Johnson
C041 Visual asic 4.0 Zak
C042 Learning to use windows Application Disk Shelly, Cashman, Repede
C043 Windows 95 Computer concepts and techniques Shelly, Cashman, Repede
C044 MS Powerpoint 97 Zimmerman, Zimmerman
C045 MS Accessfor windows 95 Adamski
C046 MS Excel 7 for windows 95 Parsons, Oja
C047 MS Excel 97 Parsons, Oja, Ageloff
C048 MS Word 97 (rief) Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Shaffer
C049 MS Word 97 (introductory) Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Shaffer
C050 Transcription Skills for usiness Mallinson, Meyer, Moyer
C051 MS Office Professional disk Rutkosky
C052 Networking Basics Ciampa
C053 Networking Basics Ciampa
C054 Excel for Windows 95 Prince
C055 Word For Windows 95 Maurach
C056 Intro to Computers Word for windows 95 disk Norton
C057 Essentials Concepts Norton
C058 Word 97 for Law Firms Payne
C059 Word Perfect for Windows 5.2 Troop, Craig
C060 Optimizing Windows NT cd Daily
C061 Unix made easy 2nd Edition Osbourne
C062 Unix made easy 2nd Edition Osbourne
C063 Job Searching online for dummies cd Dixon
C064 The Business of the internet Hannon
C065 Basic Keyboarding for the Nedical Office Asstant Moss
C066 Introducing Windows 95 Microsoft
C067 Getting Results with MS Office for windows 95 Microsoft
C068 ADOBE pagemaker 6.5 Proot
C069 MS Powerpoint 7 for windows 95 Beskeen
C070 MS Powerpoint 7 for windows 95 Beskeen
C071 Managing and Maintaining your PC Andrew S
C072 Career Success Kit Hess
C073 Hands on Netware Simpson
C074 MS Word 7 disk Valtamen, Kofari, Lammi
C075 MS Word 7 disk Valtamen, Kofari, Lammi
C076 MS Word 7 disk Valtamen, Kofari, Lammi
C077 MS Word 7 disk Valtamen, Kofari, Lammi
C078 MS Word 7 disk Valtamen, Kofari, Lammi
C079 MS Word 7 disk Valtamen, Kofari, Lammi
C080 MS Word 7 disk Valtamen, Kofari, Lammi
C081 MS Word 97 Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Shaffer
C082 MS Access 97 A Damski, Hommel, Finnegan
C083 MS Powerpoint 97 Zimmerman, Zimmerman
C084 Lotus 1-2-3 for windows Maran Graphics
C085 Lotus 1-2-3 for windows Maran Graphics
C086 Computer Accounting with Peachtree yacht
C087 MS Excel97 Ageloff, Parsons, Oja, Carey
C088 Intro to Computers 3rd Edition Norton
C089 Intro to Computers 3rd Edition Norton
C090 Intro to Computers 3rd Edition Norton
C091 Intro to Computers 3rd Edition Norton
C092 Java Programming Stoker, Pew
C093 Hands on MS Windows NT 4.0 Server disk Palmer
C094 Hands on MS Windows NT 4.0 Workstation disk Palmer
C095 Operating Systems Trouble Shooting and Problem Solving Badgett, Palmer, Jon Ker
C096 Operating Systems Trouble Shooting and Problem Solving Badgett, Palmer, Jon Ker
C097 A+ Certification Ezam Guide 2 cd Meyers
C098 College Keyboarding and Document Processing for windows 8th Edition Ober, Hansen, Johnson, Rice Poland Roseth
C099 The Electronic Office cd Tilton, Jackson, Rigby
C100 PC upgrade and maintenace guide minasi
C101 Electronic Office Machines Pasewark
C102 Resumes in cyberspace Criscito
C103 Electronic Resumes and on line NW Smith
C104 Multi Media Hands on intro cd Peck
C105 Ace the Technical Interview Roth, Stein
C106 Wide Area Networks cd Westmer
C107 Wide Area Networks cd Westmer
C108 Wide Area Networks cd Westmer
C109 Wide Area Networks cd Westmer
C110 Windows 2000 Professional and CD Tittel, Stewart
C111 managing and Maintaining your PC disk Jean Andrews
C112 MS Front Page 2000 Selley, Cashman, Mick
C113 Intro to Intermediate Networking CD Westnet
C114 Intro to Intermediate Networking CD Westnet
C115 Intro to Intermediate Networking CD Westnet
C116 Intro to Intermediate Networking CD Westnet
C117 Intro to Intermediate Networking CD Westnet
C118 Intro to Intermediate Networking CD Westnet
C119 MS Word 2000CD Winter, Winter
C120 MS Excel 2000 CD Winter, Winter
C121 MS Access 2000 CD Winter, Winter
C122 MS Word 97 Reference Guide Mayo, Vesecky
C123 MS Excel 97 Reference Guide Schwartz
C124 Troubleshooting the PC Regan
C125 A+ Certification and Practice 2nd Edition Brooks
C126 A+ Certification and Practice Lab Guide Brooks
C127 Lab Manual How to Prog C++ Dietel, Pauley, Quest
C128 Intranetware/Netware 4.11 Awwad
C129 The Internet Today Fallon
C130 Intro to PC Computers Video, AAS
C131 How computers work Video
C132 Secrets of the internet Video
C133 Word 2k Intro to Computer 3rd Edition cd Norton
C134 Computer Concepts 3rd Edition Parsons, Oja
C135 Skill Builders 3rd Edition Johnson
C136 College Keyboarding MS Word 6-0-7.0 Van Huss Duncan, Forde, Woo
C137 MSExcel 7 for windows 95 Parsons, Oja
C138 MS Powerpoint 7 for windows 95 Zimmerman, Zimmerman
C139 PS Office 7 for windows 95 Cram
C140 The Personal Computer 2nd Edition Awwad
C141 Word 2000 cd Hinkle
C142 Criminals in cyberspace Video
C143 Faster typing 3rd Edition Rowe
C144 Typing for Accuracy Nelson
C145 Faster typing 3rd Edition Rowe
C146 Championship Keyboarding Drills 3rd Edition Peters
C147 Skill Building and floppy Eide, Ricek, Keemin
C148 Skill Builders 3rd Edition Johnson
C149 Keyboarding Applications Mitchell, Kapper, Mach LaBarne
C150 Skill Building Mach, mach, Mitchell
C151 Java Programming and cd Farrell
C152 Java Programming intro conc. And Tech. Shelley, Cashman, Starks
C153 Creating Webpages with HTML Carey
C154 Skill Builders Johnson
C155 Windows 95 Parsons, Pja, Carey
C156 Word 2000 and cd Murpht
C157 Publisher 2000 Eische and Krueger
C158 Excel 2000 Murphy
C159 Intro to Neworking WestNet
C160 Maintaining your PC floppy Video
C161 Thinking Machines Video
C162 Using Internet for Research Video
C163 Computer Secretary and Viruses Video
C164 Intro to NW Analysis and Design with cd Westnet
C165 Internet Activities (Adventures of the Superhighway) Ashton, Barksdale, Rutter, Stephens
C166 MCSE 70-210 Thompson Learning
C167 MCSE 70-215 Thompson Learning
C168 Internet Marketing McGraw-Hill/ Irwin
C169 Introduction to E Commerce McGraw-Hill/ Irwin
C170 Cases in E Commerce McGraw-Hill/ Irwin
C171 Date Base Dreven Web Sites Mike Morrison, Joleen Morrison
C172 Windows 2000 Active Directory Thompson Learning
C173 Course Prep Exam Guide (Enhanced A+) A+ core Exam and OS Exam Thompson Learning
C174 Course Prep Study Guide MCSE 70-210 Thompson Learning
C175 Course Prep Study Guide MCSE 70-215 Thompson Learning
C176 Course Prep Study Guide MCSE 70-216 Thompson Learning
C177 MS Access 2000 with visual basics Kristie L. Oxford
C178 MS Word 2000 Level 1 courseware6200-2 CCI Learing solutions Inc
C179 MS Word 2000 Level 2 courseware6201-1 CCI Learing solutions Inc
C180 MCSE Guide to MS Windows 2000 Server Palmer
C181 Creating a winning E-Business Napier, Judd, Rivers, Wagner
C182 Word 2002 Core and Expert Hinkle
C183 Office XP core Hinkle, Stewart, Marple, Cain
C184 Excel 2000 Stewart
C185 Mouse Essentials Power Point Bird
C186 An Introduction to Programming using Visual Basics Schneider
C187 MS Outlook 2000-Basic Thompson learning
C188 College Keyboarding Ober, Johnson, Rice, Hanson
C189 Keyboarding and Word Processing VanHuss, Forde, Woo
C190 Learning to use the WWW Ackermann
C191 Using Multimedia Tools Gehris
C192 Comp. Concepts Shelly/Cashman/Waggoner
C193 Pagemaker 7 Connally
C194 Pirates of Silicon Valley Video
C195 Nerds 2.0.1 Video
C196 Guide to Computer Forensics Nelson/Phillips
C197 Software Project Survival Guide McConnell/Brue
C198 PHP and MySQL Web Development Welling/Thomson
C199 Code Complete McConnell/Brue
C200 Software Requirements 2 Wiegers
C201 Windows Server 2003 Environment Holme/Thomas
C202 Windows XP Bott/Siechert/Stinson
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
MA001 Retailing Lewison
MA002 Retailing 2nd Edition Dunn, Lusch, Gable
MA003 Retailing 6th Edition Diamond, Pintel
MA005 Marketing 6th Edition Evans, Berman
MA006 Marketing An Introduction Ketter, Armstrong
MA007 Brands--A Marketing Game Chapman
MA008 Marketing Foundations and Functions Burrow, Eggland
MA009 Careers in Marketing 2 disks Evans, Berman
MA010 Advertising and Promotions Belch, Belch
MA011 Essentials of Personal Selling Anderson
MA012 Basic Advertising Jugenbeimer, White
MA013 Marketing 4th Edition Lamb, Hair, McDaniel
MA015 Marketing Foundations and Applications Siegel
MA016 Marketing Management Boyd, Walker, Larreche
MA017 Retail Management Ghosh
MA018 International Marketing Czinkota
MA019 Personnel Beach
MA020 Fund. Of Fin. Mang. Brigham
MA021 Strategic Mang. Thompson
MA022 Finance Melicher
MA023 Management 3rd Edition Aldag
MA024 Mang. Info. Sys. Kroenke
MA025 Prin. Of Markt. Kotler
MA026 The Labor Rel. Process Holley
MA027 Behavior in Org. Greenberg
MA028 Marketing 5 Lamb, Hair, McDaniel
MA029 Marketing Lamb, Hair, McDaniel
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
M001 Precalculus Cogito
M002 Business Mathematics Highland, Rosenbaum, Peselnick
M003 Busines Mathematics Instructors Manual Deitz, Southam
M004 Business math Brief Ed. 3rd Edition Cleanes,Hobbs, Dudenhefer
M005 Essentials of Math 6th Edition Alvey, Nelson
M006 College Busness Math 3rd Edition Hanna Goldstein
M008 Basic Math For Health related Doncette
M009 Business Mathe Essentials Dansby
M010 Contemporary Business Math Deietz, Southam
M011 Essentials of Math Alvey, Nelson
M012 Essentials of Math Alvey, Nelson
M013 College Math With Business Applications 7th Edition Noble, Belden
M014 Fundamentals of Math Streeter, Hutchinson, Hoelzle
M015 College Algebra 6th Edition Barnett, zugler, Byleen
M016 Intermediate Algebra 3rd Edition Streeter, Hutchinson, Hoelzle
M017 Basic Skills with Math-Algebra Eichhorn
M018 Business Math Cleaves
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
MN001 Small Business Management Longenecker, Moore, Petty
MN002 Advertising, Communication, and Promo Mgt. Rossiter, Percy
MN003 Supervision Today Robbins
MN004 Administrative Office Management Workbook Odgers
MN005 Administrative Office Management Workbook Kallaus, Keeling
MN006 Principles of Financial Management Winger, Mohan
MN007 Strategic Management David
MN008 Secretarial Administrative Management Boyd, Lewis
MN009 Essentials of Management DuBrin
MN010 Human Relations a Job Oriented Approach DuBrin
MN011 Applying Psychology DuBrin
MN012 From Information to Wisdom Video
MN013 Human Relations for Career and Personal Success DuBrin
MN014 Management 3rd Edition Bartob, Martin
MN015 Strategic Management Concepts and Cases 11th Edition Thompson, Strickland
MN016 Human Resource Management 2nd Edition Berngrindin, Russell
MN017 Supervision Rue, Byars
MN018 Managing Human Risources Jackson, Schufer
MN019 Essentials of Management DuBrin
MN020 Supervision Hilgert, Leonard
MN021 Marketing Research Essentials CD McDaniel, Gates
MN022 Job Rights and Survival Strategies Tobias, Sauter
MN023 First Break all the Rules Buckingham, Coffman
MN024 Working at Human Relations Fruehling, Oldham
MN025 Supervision Hilgert, Leonard
MN026 Mang. Hum. Res. Bohlander, Snell, Sherman
MN027 Mang. Of a Sales Force Stanton, Spiro
MN028 FISH Lundin/Christensen
MN029 How to Become a Rainmaker Fox
MN030 Gung Ho! Blanchard/Bowles
MN031 A Manager's Guide to Employment Law Muir
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
MD001 Comprehensive Medical Assisting Instructor's Guide Lindh, Pooler, Tamparo, Cerrato
MD002 Medical Assisting Administrative and Clinical Concepts Keir, Wise, Krebs
MD005 Comprehensive Medical Assisting, 3rd Edition Freu, Lane, Freu
MD006 Comprehensive Medical Assisting, 3rd Edition Workbook Lilly, Freu
MD008 Comprehensive Medical Assisting, Instructors Guide Freu, Lane, Freu Lilly
MD009 the Midical Assistant Clinical Practice Watts, Cross
MD010 Medical Assisting Clinical Comp. Krebs, Wise
MD011 Medical Assisting Patient Centured Approach Ramutkowski, Barrie, Keller, Dazarowabel
MD012 Medical Assisting Patient Centured Approach Workbook Ramutkowski, Barrie, Keller, Dazarowabel
MD013 Instructors Handbook for the Medical office 5th Edition Fordney
MD014 Instructors Handbook for the Medical office 5th Edition Workbook Fordney
MD015 Instructors Handbook for the Medical office 3rd Edition Fordney
MD016 Clinical Practive Workbook Lindsey, Rayburn
MD017 Dental Anatomy: Relevence to Dentistry 4th Edition Woelfel
MD018 Understanding Medical Insurance Rowell
MD019 Maual of Medical Office Management Andress
MD020 The Human Body in Health and Disease Memmler, Cohen, Wood
MD021 Medical Zechnology Smith, Davis, Denerll
MD022 Terminology for allied health Professionals Sormunen
MD023 The Human Body in Health and Disease Memmler, Cohen, Wood
MD024 Basic medical Terminology 3rd Edition Fisher
MD025 The Elements of Medical Terminology Applegate, Orerton
MD026 Medical Terminology for Health Professionals Sormunen
MD027 Power Building in Scheduling Montone
MD028 medical Terminology An Illustrated guide Cohen
MD029 Essential Medical Terminology Stanfield
MD030 Medical Terminology made Easy Denerll
MD031 Therapeutic Communication for allied Health Professional Tamparo, Lindth
MD032 Infectious Disease of Humans Anderson, may
MD033 Diseases of the Human Body Instructors Guide Tamparo, Lewis
MD034 Medical transcript Guide Fordney, Diehl
MD035 Flip and See EKG Chn, Gilroy, Doohan
MD036 Computerized Medical Assisting Lindh, Pooler, Tamparo, Ceratto
MD037 Human Anatomy and Physiology Spence, Mason
MD038 Step by Step medical Coding Buckingham, Coffman
MD039 Medical Keyboarding, Typing, Trascribing Diehl, Fordney
MD040 Phlebotomy collection Procedures workbook Kovanda
MD041 Phlebotomy collection Procedures workbook Kovanda
MD042 Medical Filing 2nd Edition Workbook Claeys
MD043 Medical Filing 2nd Edition Workbook Claeys
MD044 The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System Workbook Applegate
MD045 The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System Workbook Applegate
MD046 Medical Assisting Ezam Review Cody
MD047 The Language of Medicine I.M.N.L. Chabner
MD048 The Language of Medicine I.M.N.L. Chabner
MD049 Comprehensive Medical Assisting workbook Linch, Pooler, Tamparo, Cerrato
MD050 Purssell
MD051 medical and Dental Associates PC Chapman
MD052 Urinalysis: Lab Services Flyon, Whitelocke
MD053 Clinical Procesing for medical Associates workbook Bonewit West
MD054 The Human Body in Health and Illness Herlihy
MD055 Clinical Processing for medical assistants Bonewit West
MD056 Clinical Medical Assisting Lindh, Pooler, Tamparo, Cerrato
MD057 Medical Terminology Simplified CD and Cassette Gyeys, Masters
MD058 Body, Structures and Functions 9th Edition Scott, Forg
MD059 Body, Structures and Functions 9th Edition Scott, Forg
MD060 Clinical Calculations Kee, Marshall
MD061 Basic Medical Lab Techniques Walters, Estridge, Reynoldy
MD062 Principles of Pharacology for Medical Assistant Rice
MD063 Ambulatory Care management Ross, Williams, Paulock
MD064 handbook for Health Inormating Careers Anderson, Smith
MD065 Medical Terinology Made Easy 2nd Edition Denerll
MD066 Basic Keyboarding for the Medical office Assistant Moss
MD067 Quick and Easy Me\dical Terminology and casset CD 3rd Edition Leonard
MD068 Law Liability and Ethics for Medical office professional Flight
MD069 Micro biology for Health Careers Fong, Grover, Lakomia, Ferris
MD070 The Medical Transcriptionist's Handbood Blake
MD071 The Medical Transcriptionist's Handbood Blake
MD072 Understanding Lavratory and Diagmostic Tests Moisio, Moisio
MD073 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 3rd Edition Seeley, Stephens, Tate
MD074 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 3rd Edition Student Study Guide Seeley, Stephens, Tate
MD076 Lab Procedures for Medical office Persons Stepp, Woods
MD077 Insurance Handbook for the Midical office Fordney
MD078 Diseases of the Human ody 3rd edition Tamparo, Lewis
MD079 The Human Body in Health and Illness Herlhy, Maebius
MD080 The Human Body in Health and Illness study guide Herlhy, Maebius
MD081 Human Diseases Neighbors, Tannehill, jones
MD082 Medical Transcription Fundamentals and Practice 2nd Edition Campbell, Heath, Pitman
MD083 Essentials of Medical Transcription and CD Destafano, Federman
MD084 Medical Terminology with Human Anatomy and CD Rice
MD085 Language of Medicine Intructors Guide Chabner
MD086 Terinology for allied health proffessionals Sormunen
MD087 Being a Medical Information Copier Dodson
MD088 Step by Step Medical Coling Buck
MD089 The Language of Medicine CD Chabner
MD091 Essentials of Pharmacology 3rd edition Woodrow
MD092 Medical Transcription Fundamentals and Practice 2nd Edition Campbell, Heath, Pitman
MD093 Medical Terminology System approach CD 2cassettes 4th Edition Gylys, Wedding
MD094 Pharmacology 8th Edition Asper, Heim
MD095 Understanding Pharmacology tuley
MD096 the Medical Language cassette Kureger, Layman
MD097 Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions Frazier, Drzymkowski, Doty
MD098 Medical office Practice Packet Atkinson, Begg
MD099 Understanding Human Structure and Function Scanlon, Sanders
MD100 Understanding Human Structure and Function Instructors Guide Scanlon, Sanders
MD101 ICD-9CM Easy Coder Unicorn Medical Inc
MD102A the Medical Assistant Amdimistrative and Clinical 8th Edition Kinn, Woods
MD102B the Medical Assistant Amdimistrative and Clinical 8th Edition Kinn, Woods
MD103A the Administrative Medical Assistant 4th Edition Kinn
MD103B the Administrative Medical Assistant 4th Edition Kinn
MD104 Front office skills for the Medical Assistant Eggers, Conway
MD105 Study Guide to Accompany Structure and Function of the body 11th Edition Linda Swisher
MD106 Medical Office Procedures 5th Edition Beckin
MD107 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Shier, Butler, Lewis
MD108 Physicians Office Policies and Procedures St. Anthony Publishing Co.
MD109 Diagnostic and Lavratory Test Reference 4th Ed. Mosby
MD110 Fundamentals of Medical Assisting Saunters
MD111 From Patient to Payment Inst. Guide Clencoe
MD112 Law of Ethics for Health Occupations Judson,Blebie
MD113 Medical Office Procedures 5th Edition Beckin
MD115 Essentials of Anatomy & Phy. 4th Scanlon/Sanders
MD116 Anatomy & Phy Premkumar
MD117 Psychology of the Body Greene/Dumor
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
P001 Business law an Introduction Lopez
P002 Legal Research and Writing Nolfi, Tepper
P003 Legal Research and Writing Study Guide Nolfi, Tepper
P004 Legal Research and Writing Starting Points Statisky
P005 The Dynamics of Law Spiro, Honghteling
P006 Corporate Law and Business Organization Kutzavitch
P007 Wills, Trusts and Estates Nolfi
P008 Wills, Trusts and Estates Study Guide Nolfi
P009 Legal Environment of Business Brommon, Kubasek
P010 Barkruptcy Code Rules and forms West Publishing
P011 Business law and the legal enrironment Anderson Fox and Iwomey
P012 Busines Law Anderson Fox and Iwomey
P013 Basic Business Law Hemphill
P014 Paralegals intro to Bus. Org Slossberg
P015 Essentials of Paralegalism 3rd Edition Statisky
P016 Torts and Personal Injury Law Buckley, Okrent
P017 Wills, Trusts and Estates Administration for the paralegal Hower
P018 Law office Management for paralegals Lynton, Masinter, Lyndall
P019 Fingerpoint lab inventory Tools Sirchie
P020 The Basics of Paralegal Studies Goodrich
P021 The Law of Corporations, Partnerships Schneeman
P022 NALA for Legal Assistants West Publishing (Nala)
P023 Intro to Paralegal Studies Cooper, Gibson
P024 Basic Wills Trusts and Estates Nolfi
P025 Legal Research and Writing Elias, Levin, Kind
P026 Business Organization for Paralegals Workbook Bouchoun
P027 Essentials of Paralegals 2nd Edition Statsky
P028 Essentials of Paralegals 3rd Edition Statsky
P029 Corporate Law and Business Organization Kutzavitch
P030 Family Law for Paralegals Ehrlich
P031 The Elements of Legal Style Garner
P032 Business organization for Paralegals Bouchoun
P033 The Legal Environment of Business Brennan, Kubasek
P034 The Legal Research and Writing Workbook Helewitz, Montgomery
P035 Lawyers Directory 1995 PA Bar Association
P036 Lawyers Directory 1996 PA Bar Association
P037 Lawyers Directory 1997 PA Bar Association
P038 Real Estate Law Hinkel
P039 Family Law 3rd Edition Statsky
P040 the Legal Environment of Business 2nd Edition Whitman, Gergacy
P041 Administration of Wills, Trusts and Estates Brown
P043 Legal Research Fundamental Principles Harris
P044 Legal Research and Writing Some starting points workbook Statsky
P045 Law, Liability and Ethics for Medical office Persons Flight
P046 The University of Chicago Manual of Legal Citation Lawyers Corp. Pub.
P047 The Law of Business Corporations 3rd Edition Moye
P048 Intro to Contracts and Restitution 2nd Edition Frey, Bitting and Frey
P049 PA Business Law 5th Edition Tanner
P050 Real Estate Law Jacobs, Harwood
P051 People's History of Supreme Court Irons
P052 101 things about internet law Bick
P053 101 things about internet law Bick
P054 Legal Research using Westlaw Long
P055 Polishing the Apple Video
P056 You and the Law Video
P057 The Basics of Paralegal Studies Goodrich
P058 Legal Terminology and Transcription Wallis
P059 Practical Real Estate Law Hinkle
P060 Practical Real Estate Law Hinkle
P061 Paralegal Studies Jordan
P062 Basic Legal Principles Henszey/Myers
P063 Intro to Law Walston
P064 Intro to Paralegal Studies Edwards
P065 Intro to Paralegal Studies Edwards
P073 Terrorism Today Simonsen
P074 Terrorism 2nd Edition Thomson
P075 Computer Forensics Britz
P076 Law and Justice Abadinsky
P077 Criminal Law Fradella
P078 Security Officer's Train. Manual Heitert
P079 The Juvenile Justice System Dean John Champion
P080 Just the Facts Michael Biggs
P081 Police Field Operations Thomas Adams
P082 Report it in Writing Debbie Goodman
P083 Police Comm. Relations Hunter, Barker, Mayhall
P084 Criminal Law for the Crim. Just. Norman M. Garland
P085 Criminology Messner/Stark
P086 U.S. Supreme Court McGuire
P087 The Elements of Legal Style Garner
P088 Evidence Best
P089 Criminal Procedure Bloom/Brodin
P090 Civil Procedure Glannon
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
PD001 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Covey
PD002 Living the 7 Habits Covey
PD003 Principle Centered Leadership Covey
PD004 Who Moved my Cheese Johnson
PD005 What Should I do with my Life Bronson
PD006 How to Win Friends and Influence People Carnegie
PD007 Now, Discover your Strength Buckingham, Clifton
PD008 The Etiquette Advantage in Business Post
PD009 Please Don't Just do what I Tell You Nelson
PD010 What Color is your Parachute? Bolles
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
PL001 Titles 1-3 General Provisions Purdon
PL002 Titles 3-6 Agriculture-Bailees and Factions Purdon
PL003 Banks and Banking 101-5000 Purdon
PL004 Banks and Banking 5001-end Purdon
PL005 Titles 8-11 Bonds and Rec. to Children Purdon
PL006 Title 12 Pamphlet Purdon
PL007 Title 13 Comm. Code 1101-2725 Purdon
PL008 Title 13 Comm. Code 3101-7603 Purdon
PL009 Title 13 Comm. Code 8101-end Purdon
PL010 Title 15 Corporation and unincorporation Assn. 101-2100 Purdon
PL011 Title 15 Corporation and unincorporation Assn. 2100-8100 Purdon
PL012 Title 15 Corporation and unincorporation Assn. 8101-end Purdon
PL013 Title 16 Counties 1-3100 Purdon
PL014 Title 16 Counties 3101-9100 Purdon
PL015 Title 16 Counties 9101-end Purdon
PL016 Title 17 Credit Unions Purdon
PL017 Title 18 Crimes and Offenses 101-2700 Purdon
PL018 Title 18 Crimes and Offenses 2701-3900 Purdon
PL019 Title 18 Crimes and Offenses 3901-5300 Purdon
PL020 Title 20 Decedent's Estates Fiduciary 101-2507 Purdon
PL021 Title 20 Decedent's Estates Fiduciary 2508-3500 Purdon
PL022 Title 20 Decedent's Estates Fiduciary 7301-end Purdon
PL023 Title 23 Domestic Relations Purdon
PL024 Title 24 Education 1-101-12-1299 Purdon
PL025 Title 24 Education 1-3-1301-2410 Purdon
PL026 Title 24 Education 2411-end Purdon
PL027 Title 25 Elections and Election Districts Purdon
PL028 Titles 26-29 Eminent Domain-Fences Purdon
PL029 Titles 30-31 Fish to Food Purdon
PL030 Titles 32-34 Forests, Waters Etc. to Game Purdon
PL031 Title 34 Game Pamphlet Purdon
PL032 Title 35 Health and Safety 1-1150 Purdon
PL033 Title 35 Health and Safety 1151-6200 Purdon
PL034 Title 35 Health and Safety 6201-end Purdon
PL035 Title 36 Highways and Bridges 1-1760 Purdon
PL036 Title 36 Highways and Bridges 1761-end Purdon
PL037 Title 37-39 Hotels-Insolvency Purdon
PL038 Title 40 Insurance 1-1010 Purdon
PL039 Title 40-41 Insurance 1011-end Purdon
PL040 Title 42 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure 101-1701 Purdon
PL041 Title 42 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure 1701-5100 Purdon
PL042 Title 42 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure 5101-5500 Purdon
PL043 Title 42 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure 5501-5900 Purdon
PL044 Title 42 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure 5901-7100 Purdon
PL045 Title 42 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure 7101-8700 Purdon
PL046 Title 42 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure 8701-20000 Purdon
PL047 Title 42 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure 20001-end Purdon
PL048 Title 42 Rules of Criminal Procedure 1-1099 Purdon
PL049 Title 42 Rules of Criminal Procedure 1100-end Purdon
PL050 Title 42 Rules of Civil Procedure 1-1300 Purdon
PL051 Title 42 Rules of Civil Procedure 1301-2325 Purdon
PL052 Title 42 Rules of Civil Procedure 2326-end Purdon
PL053 Title 42 Rules of Appellate Procedure, District Justice Purdon
PL054 Title 43 Labor 1-780 Purdon
PL055 Title 43 Labor 781-940 Purdon
PL056 Title 43-45 Labor- Legal Notices 941-end Purdon
PL057 Title 46 Legislature and Statutes Purdon
PL058 Title 47 Liquor Purdon
PL059 Title 48-49 Marriage-Mechanical Liens Purdon
PL060 Title 50-51 Mental Health-Military Affairs Purdon
PL061 Title 51 Military Affairs Purdon
PL062 Title 52 Mines and Mining Purdon
PL063 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations 1-3500 Purdon
PL064 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations 3501-7100 Purdon
PL065 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations 7101-12100 Purdon
PL066 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations Pamplet7101-12100 Purdon
PL067 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations Pamplet12101-22100 Purdon
PL068 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations Pamplet 22101-35100 Purdon
PL069 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations Pamplet 35101-45000 Purdon
PL070 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations Pamplet 45001-46200 Purdon
PL071 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations Pamplet 46201-53100 Purdon
PL072 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations Pamplet 53101-65100 Purdon
PL073 Title 53 Municipal, Quasi Municipal and Corporations Pamplet 6501-end Purdon
PL074 Title 54-59 Names-Partnership Purdon
PL075 Title 60-61 Peddlers-Penal Institution Purdon
PL076 Title 62 Poor Persons and Public Welfare Purdon
PL077 Title 63 Professions and Occupations Purdon
PL078 Title 63 Professions and Occupations Purdon
PL079 Title 64-66 Public Lands to Public Service Co. Purdon
PL080 Title 66 Public Utilities Purdon
PL081 Title 67 Railroads, Railways and Canals Purdon
PL082 Title 68-70 Real and Personal Property-Securities Purdon
PL083 Title 71 State Government 1-732 Purdon
PL084 Title 71 State Government 732-101 to1036 Purdon
PL085 Title 71 State Government 1037-end Purdon
PL086 Title 72 Taxation and Fiscal Affairs 1-3241 Purdon
PL087 Title 72 Taxation and Fiscal Affairs 3242-4680 Purdon
PL088 Title 72 Taxation and Fiscal Affairs 4681-5480 Purdon
PL089 Title 72 Taxation and Fiscal Affairs 5481-7100 Purdon
PL090 Title 72 Taxation and Fiscal Affairs 7101-end Purdon
PL091 Title 73 Trade and Commerce 1-1800 Purdon
PL092 Title 73-74 Trade and Commerce- US Transportation 1801-end Purdon
PL093 Title 75 Vehicles - Pamphlet 101-3500 Purdon
PL094 Title 75 Vehicles - Pamphlet 3501-end Purdon
PL095 Title 77 Workmen's Comp 1-630 Purdon
PL096 Title 77 Workmen's Comp 631-end Purdon
PL097 Tables 1700-Present Purdon
PL098 Tables 163 cum. Supp. Purdon
PL099 Tables 1985 Purdon
PL100 PA Constitution Article 1 Purdon
PL101 PA Constitution Article 2 Purdon
PL102 PA statutes and Constitution Annotated 1995 general Index A-L Purdon
PL103 PA statutes and Constitution Annotated 1995 general Index M-X Purdon
PL104 PA Legeslature Service Session of 2000 Acts 1-10 Purdon
PL105 PA Legeslature Service Session of 2000 Acts 10-26 Purdon
PL106 Title 72 Purdon PA Statutes Annotated 7101-8500 Purdon
PL107 Title 72Taxation and Fiscal Affairs Annotated 8501-end Purdon
PL108 PA Legeslation 2000-27-2000-68 Purdon
PL109 Title 42 PA Constitution Annotated Judicial and Judicial Procedure 5901-7100 Purdon
PL110 Title 18 Crimes and Offenses 2701-3900 Purdon
PL111 Title 18 Crimes and Offenses 5301-6500 Purdon
PL112 Title 18 Crimes and Offenses 6501-end Purdon
PL113 The Pennsylvania Militia Newland
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
Number Title Author
R001 Intro Who's Who of Professionals Vol 1-1998
R002 Intro Who's Who of Professionals Vol 2-1998
R003 Intro Who's Who of Professionals Vol 3-1998 Gibralter Pub.
R004 The Americana Annual 1987 Grolier Inc.
R005 The Americana Annual 1988 Grolier Inc.
R006 The Americana Annual 1989 Grolier Inc.
R007 The Americana Annual 1990 Grolier Inc.
R008 The Americana Annual 1991 Grolier Inc.
R009 The Americana Annual 1992 Grolier Inc.
R010 The Americana Annual 1993 Grolier Inc.
R011 Encyclopedia Americana A to Anjou Americana Corporation
R012 Encyclopedia Americana Ankrara to Azusa Americana Corporation
R013 Encyclopedia Americana B to Birds Americana Corporation
R014 Encyclopedia Americana Birds of Par to Bulfinch Americana Corporation
R015 Encyclopedia Americana Bulgaria to Castanos Americana Corporation
R016 Encyclopedia Americana Caste to Civil Law Americana Corporation
R017 Encyclopedia Americana Civil law to Coronium Americana Corporation
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R024 Encyclopedia Americana Hawaii to Index of Refraction Americana Corporation
R025 Encyclopedia Americana India to Jeffers Americana Corporation
R026 Encyclopedia Americana Jefferson to Latin Americana Corporation
R027 Encyclopedia Americana Latin America to Lytton Americana Corporation
R028 Encyclopedia Americana M to Mexico City Americana Corporation
R029 Encyclopedia Americana Meyer to Naval Rank Americana Corporation
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R031 Encyclopedia Americana Orley to Phot Telescope Americana Corporation
R032 Encyclopedia Americana Photography to Pumpkin Americana Corporation
R033 Encyclopedia Americana Pumps to Russelville Americana Corporation
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R036 Encyclopedia Americana Sulphur to Tramways Aerial Americana Corporation
R037 Encyclopedia Americana Trance to Venial Sin Americana Corporation
R038 Encyclopedia Americana Venice to Wilnot Americana Corporation
R039 Index Americana Corporation
R040 World Book Yearbook 1967 Field Enterprises
R041 World Book Yearbook 1968 Field Enterprises
R042 World Book Yearbook 1969 Field Enterprises
R043 World Book Yearbook 1970 Field Enterprises
R044 World Book Yearbook 1971 Field Enterprises
R045 World Book Yearbook 1972 Field Enterprises
R046 World Book Yearbook 1973 Field Enterprises
R047 Science Year 1974 Field Enterprises
R048 World Book Yearbook 1974 Field Enterprises
R049 World Book Yearbook 1975 Field Enterprises
R050 World Book Yearbook 1976 Field Enterprises
R051 World Book Yearbook 1977 Field Enterprises
R052 World Book Yearbook 1978 Field Enterprises
R053 World Book Yearbook 1979 Field Enterprises
R054 World Book Yearbook 1980 Field Enterprises
R055 World Book Yearbook 1981 Field Enterprises
R056 World Book Yearbook 1982 Field Enterprises
R057 World Book Yearbook 1983 Field Enterprises
R058 World Book Yearbook 1984 Field Enterprises
R059 World Book Yearbook 1985 Field Enterprises
R060 World Book Yearbook 1986 Field Enterprises
R061 World Book Yearbook 1987 Field Enterprises
R062 World Book Yearbook 1988 Field Enterprises
R063 World Book Yearbook 1989 Field Enterprises
R064 World Book Yearbook 1990 Field Enterprises
R065 World Book Yearbook 1991 Field Enterprises
R066 World Book Yearbook 1992 Field Enterprises
R067 World Book Yearbook 1993 Field Enterprises
R068 World Book Yearbook 1994 Field Enterprises
R069 Enc. And Dictionary of Medical Nursing and Allied Health Miller, Keane
R070 Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary Taber
R071 Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary Taber
R072 New American Medical Dictionary and Health Mnl. Rothenberg
R073 Home Medical Dictionary PSI Associates
R074 Compendium of Drug Therapy Compendium Publishing
R075 Avery's Drug Treatment Speight
R076 PA Rules of Court -- State 1994 West
R077 PA Rules of Court -- State 1994 West
R078 PA Rules of Court -- Federal 1994 West
R079 PA Rules of Court -- Federal 1995 Rev. West
R080 PA Rules of Court -- Federal 1996 Rev. West
R081 PA Rules of Court -- State 1996 Rev. West
R082 PA Rules of Court -- Federal 1997 Rev. West
R083 PA Rules of Court -- State 1997 Rev. West
R084 PA Rules of Court -- Federal 1998 Rev. West
R085 PA Rules of Court -- State 1998 Rev. West
R086 PA Rules of Court -- State 1999 Rev. West
R087 PA Rules of Court -- Federal 1999 Rev. West
R088 PA Rules of Court -- Federal 2000 Rev. West
R089 PA Rules of Court -- State 2000 Rev. West
R090 Rules of Court Schuylkill County 21st Jud. Dist.
R091 American Jurisprudence-Job Discrimination 1-1404 Lawyers' Corporation
R092 American Jurisprudence-Job Discrimination 1405-2573 Lawyers' Corporation
R093 Federal Courts 4th Edition Wright
R094 Law of Federal Courts Wright
R095 Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition Black
R096 US Supreme Court Digest (17) Lawyers' Corporation
R097 Pennsylvania Evidence West
R098 Bankruptcy Code Rules and Officeal Forms 1993 Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R099 US Code Service A-B West Group
R100 US Code Service C-D West Group
R101 US Code Service E-H West Group
R102 US Code Service I-N West Group
R103 US Code Service O-R West Group
R104 US Code Service S-Z West Group
R105 US Code Service Title 19 Customs Duties West Group
R106 US Code Service Title 22 Foreign Relations West Group
R107 US Code Service Court Rules-Bankruptcy West Group
R108 US Code Service Title 29 Labor 158a 159 West Group
R109 US Code Service Title 29 Labor 161-205 West Group
R110 US Code Service Title 42 West Group
R111 US Code Service Title 43 Supp. West Group
R112 Federal Procedure Commodity to Consumer West Group
R113 Federal Procedure Claims Ct. To Crim. Procedure West Group
R114 Federal Procedure Claims Ct. To Crim. Procedure West Group
R115 Federal Procedure Rules of Service 3rd Circ. 1992-93 West Group
R116 Federal Procedure Rules of Service FRCP - Sup. Ct. West Group
R117 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 1-1987 1-249 McGraw-Hill
R118 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 1-1987 1-250 McGraw-Hill
R119 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 2-1987 250-508 McGraw-Hill
R120 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 2-1987 250-509 McGraw-Hill
R121 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 3 McGraw-Hill
R122 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 3 McGraw-Hill
R123 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 4 McGraw-Hill
R124 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 4 McGraw-Hill
R125 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 5 McGraw-Hill
R126 Shepard's PA Citations - Case Ed. Pt 5 McGraw-Hill
R127 Shepard's PA Citations Supp. 1987-1990 McGraw-Hill
R128 Shepard's PA Citations Supp. 1987-1990 McGraw-Hill
R129 Shepard's PA Citations 1990-1993 McGraw-Hill
R130 Shepard's PA Citations 1990-1993 McGraw-Hill
R131 Shepard's PA Citations - Stat Ed. Pt 1-1987 McGraw-Hill
R132 Shepard's PA Citations - Stat Ed. Pt 1-1987 McGraw-Hill
R133 Shepard's PA Citations - Stat Ed. Pt 2-1987 McGraw-Hill
R134 Shepard's PA Citations - Stat Ed. Pt 2-1987 McGraw-Hill
R135 Bankruptcy Serv. Supp to Binder 1 C.1-3-C Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R136 Bankruptcy Serv. Supp to Binder 2 C.11-14 Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R137 Bankruptcy Serv. Supp to Binder 2A C.15 Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R138 Bankruptcy Serv. Supp to Binder 2B C.21 Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R139 Bankruptcy Serv. Supp to Binder 3 C.22 Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R140 Bankruptcy Serv. Supp to Binder 3A C.22 Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R141 Bankruptcy Serv. Supp to Binder 6 C.51-60 Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R142 Bankruptcy Serv. Supp to Binder 10 Clark, Boardman, Callaghan
R143 Bankruptcy Serv. Code Comm. And Analy. C.23 1979 Lawyers' Corporation
R144 Bankruptcy Serv. Cum Gen Index Rev. 1/1993 Lawyers' Corporation
R145 Code/Fed Reg. Comm. And Sec. Ex.-17 Pt 200-239 US Government
R146 Code/Fed Reg. Labor 29 PT 500-589 US Government
R147 Code/Fed Reg. Pub. Cont. Prop. Mgt. 41201-End US Government
R148 Business Law Instructor's Manual Anderson, Fox Twomey
R149 PA Criminal Trial Guide Evangelista
R150 Adbertising (video) Films for Humanities and Sciences
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R152 Webster's College Dictionary Rondom House
R153 Penna Forms Civil Procedure 1-32 Gibbons, Kraut, Degar, Frenkel
R154 Penna Forms Civil Procedure Volume 2 Ch 33-62 Gibbons, Kraut, Degar, Frenkel
R155 Penna Forms Civil Procedure Volume 3 Ch 63-End Gibbons, Kraut, Degar, Frenkel
R156 Penna Forms Civil Procedure Domestic Relations Hobstein, Widman, Frenkel
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R158 Penna Forms Civil Procedure 2000 Supplement to Vol. 5 West
R159 Penna Forms Civil Procedure Business Organizations O'Brien, Shectman, Frenkel
R160 PA Rules of Court 2000 West
R161 PA Rules of Court 2001 State West
R162 Using WestLaw.Com (3 Brochures WestLaw
R163 Electric Library Internet
R164 Electric Library User Guide Inforautics Inc
R165 Electric Library User Guide Inforautics Inc
R166 PA Statutes Connotated October 2000 West
R167 Every Landlord's Legal Guide Stewart, Warner, Portman
R168 Black's Law Dictionary Garner
R169 Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms Downes, Goodman
R170 Dictionary of Marketing Terms Davis
R171 Dictionary of Accounting Terms Levy
R172 Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms Downes, Goodman
R173 Encyc. Dictionary of Management Infor Systems Davis
R174 Origins of the Bill of Rights Levy
R175 College Blue Book of Scholarships, Fellowships MacMillan
R176 World Almanac and Book of Facts 2001 World Almanac Books
R177 Pennsylvania Rules of Court Federal 2002 West Group
R178 Pennsylvania Rules of Court State 2002 West Group
R179 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R180 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R181 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R182 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R183 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R184 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R185 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R186 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R187 The Greg Reference Manual Sabin
R188 Physians Desk Reference 1997 51st Edition Medical Economics
R189 Physians Desk Reference 2002 56th Edition Medical Economics
R190 Spanish and English Dictionary
R191 Rules of Court Fed. West
R192 Rules of Court State West
R193 Rules of Court Fed. West
R194 Rules of Court State West
R195 Rules of Court Federal West
R196 Criminal Justice 2002 Pamphlet West
R197 Family Law 2003 Pamphlet West
R198 Rules of Court Federal West
R199 Rules of Court State West
R200 Family Law 2002 Pamphlet West
R201 Rules of Court State West
R202 Rules of Court Federal West
R203 Merriam Websters Pocket Guide Burrell
R204 CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics Weisstein
R205 Business The Ultimate Resource
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R208 Criminology
R209 Black's Law Dictionary Garner
McCann School of Business & Technology *Mahanoy City Campus* Library
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