McCann School of Business and Technology


Program Objective

     This program prepares the student for entry level employment in a Bookkeeping/Accounting position. Bookkeepers need to be good at working with numbers and concentrating on details.

     Bookkeepers need to be careful, accurate, and orderly in their work. Beginning bookkeepers record routine transactions such as accounts receivable or accounts payable. As they gain experience they advance to more responsible assignments, such as preparing income statements, reconciling accounts, and reviewing computer printouts. Some bookkeepers are promoted to supervisory jobs. Hands-on computer applications provide the graduate with excellent skills to take to the workplace.

Career Opportunities

  • Accounting Clerk

  • Payroll Accountant

  • Bookkeeper

  • Computer Integrated Accounting Clerk

Competency Profile

Upon completion of the computerized Bookkeeping program, the graduate should be able to:
  • Interpret accounting principles and apply these standards to a business environment.

  • Enter data on accounts receivable and accounts payable into the computer.

  • Review computer printouts for accuracy and completeness, and prepare special financial reports.

  • Demonstrate proficiency in using computer word processing, spreadsheets, and Microsoft Office software programs.

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