Career Opportunities
Competency Profile
Develop a knowledge and understanding of the role and relationship of the Network
Administrator and the business/corporation for which she/he works. Gain pertinent knowledge of the history of computing and a solid overview of
existing technologies as well as the future of data processing. Provide hands-on knowledge of major network operating systems, the underlying
communications protocols and the supporting network hardware. Provide an understanding of how basic network components work and how they
are put together to implement a system. Provide fundamental knowledge needed to design, configure and implement Local
Area Networks (LANs), using available hardware and software elements in a
laboratory setting. Provide an understanding of network architectures and protocols. Provide an understanding of Web Page design and development to include HTML
as well as the elements of programming languages to include Java, JavaScript, etc. Install and configure web servers. Trouble shoot and repair hardware and software. Provide user training and support. Become eligible to test for certain industry certifications in the computer networking
field. |