McCann School of Business and Technology


Program Objective

     To prepare the student for the development of solid secretarial skills that will provide entry-level abilities for any business. With job experience, graduates of this program will qualify for higher level promotional opportunities within an organization.

Career Opportunities

  • Word Processing Secretary

  • General Secretary

  • Receptionist

  • Clerk-Typist

  • Transcriptionist

Competency Profile

Upon completion of the OFFICE TECHNOLOGY program, the graduate should be able to:
  • Maintain high accuracy and speed in the keyboarding process.

  • Demonstrate proficiency in using computer word processing, spreadsheets and databases using Microsoft Office software programs.

  • Integrate proper English, speedwriting, transcription, and keyboarding skills in the production of excellent business correspondence.

  • Demonstrate adaptability in moving from one software application to another.

  • Promote positive attitudes, dress, and interpersonal skills that are acceptable in business.

  • Proofread and edit business documents.

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