McCann School of Business and Technology


Monday - Thursday 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 

47 South Main Street 
Mahanoy City, PA 17948 
(570) 773-1820 - Phone 
(570) 773-0483 - Fax 

M o n d a y
  A150 Cost Accounting

B240 Salesmanship

C355 PowerPoint

E550 Human Relations

E580 Job Search

M150 Clinical Medical Assisting II

M425 Medical Keyboarding

N130 Local Area Networks

S421 Intermediate Keyboarding

T u e s d a y
C381 Computerized Spreadsheets

L125 Wills, Trusts & Estates

M140 Clinical Medical Assisting I


N170 Novell

S420 Keyboarding

W e d n e s d a y
B280 Investments

B330 Customer Service

C315 Java

C330 Intro to PC/Internet


C361 Word Processing

CN140 Network Analysis & Design

L145 Law of Business Organizations

T h u r s d a y
CN110 Internetworking

E530 English Composition II


E570 Student Success

M170 Pharmacology

2650 Woodglen Road 
Pottsville, PA 17901 
(570) 622-7622 - Phone 
(570) 622-7770 - Fax 
M o n d a y
A120 Principles of Accounting II

C361 Word Processing

C385 Advanced Spreadsheets

E530 English Composition II

L130 Family Law


M105 Medical Terminology

M150 Clinical Medical Assisting II

M425 Medical Keyboarding

N140 Wide Area Networks

T u e s d a y
A110 Principles of Accounting I

A130 Intermediate Accounting III

B250 Human Resource Management

C390 Desktop Publishing


E500 College Mathematics

M115 Anatomy & Physiology

M140 Medical Clinical Assisting I

N110 Operating Systems

W e d n e s d a y
A120 Principles of Accounting II

A160 Tax Accounting

B240 Salesmanship

C330 Intro to PC/Internet

C355 PowerPoint


CN100 Internet Technologies

E570 Student Success Motivation

E580 Job Search

L135 Civil Litigation

S421 Intermediate Keyboarding

T h u r s d a y
A110 Principles of Accounting I

A175 Auditing

B330 Customer Service

C381 Computerized Spreadsheets


E520 Presentational Speaking

N120 Intro to Networking

N175 A+ Certification

S420 Keyboarding

201 Lackawanna Ave., 3rd floor 
Scranton, PA 18503 
(570) 969-4330 - Phone 
(570) 969-3139 - Fax 
M o n d a y
A110 Principles of Accounting I

E505 English Composition I

L115 Intro to Paralegal Studies


M105 Medical Dental Terminology

N110 Operating Systems

T u e s d a y
E500 College Mathematics

E505 English Composition I


S420 Keyboarding
W e d n e s d a y
A110 Principles of Accounting I

E550 Human Relations


E570 Student Success Motivation
T h u r s d a y
B330 Customer Service

C250 Intro to Programming


C330 Intro to PC/Internet
225 Market St., 3rd floor 
Sunbury, PA 17801 
(570) 286-3058 - Phone 
(570) 286-4723 - Fax 
M o n d a y
A110 Principles of Accounting I

B260 Business Law

B275 E-Commerce

B330 Customer Service

C315 Java


CN140 Network Analysis & Design

E500 College Mathematics

E550 Human Relations

M135 Medical Ethics & Law

T u e s d a y
A175 Auditing

C381 Computerized Spreadsheets

C400 Web Page Design

CN160 Test Prep II

E520 Presentational Speaking


E530 English Composition II

E570 Student Success

M425 Medical Keyboarding

N130 Local Area Networks

W e d n e s d a y
A110 Principles of Accounting I

B280 Investments

C361 Word Processing

C370 Access

CN180 Unix


L145 Law of Business Organizations

M125 Medical Billing

M150 Clinical Medical Assisting II

N120 Intro to Networking

T h u r s d a y
B335 Total Quality Management

C250 Intro to Programming

C355 PowerPoint

C361 Word Processing

E505 English Composition I


E580 Job Search

L155 Real Estate Law

S420 Keyboarding

S421 Intermediate Keyboarding

For more information on
REGISTERING for classes, 
please complete a
Pre Application for Admission 


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