McCann School of Business and Technology


     All students are encouraged to meet with our Financial Aid department in order to determine financial aid qualifications. At this time, our Financial Aid Officer will help the student to complete the necessary forms.

     For financial aid purposes, McCann School of Business & Technology is a term based school (borrower based academic standard). Three quarter terms are equal to one academic year. Thus, McCann students are eligible for two full years of financial assistance in completing their 18-month specialized associate degree program (six quarter terms).

Grade Level Advancement Policy
     For ASB Degree and Diploma Programs, McCann defines grade level one as 1-35 credits completed and grade level two as 36 credits and above completed.

     Each individual financial assistance program has specific criteria that the institution must follow. Eligibility for financial assistance may be reduced or eliminated due to an incomplete file, lack of satisfactory progress, change in schedule and other factors beyond the control of McCann School of Business & Technology.

     Students attending McCann may be eligible for both federal and state financial assistance.

Student Loans

Stafford Subsidized Loan
Stafford Unsubsidized Loan

Student Grants

Guidelines for Student Grants
Federal Pell Grant
Maintaining Eligibility
Verification Policy
Incomplete and Grade Deficiencies

Trade Act Benefits
     Will be governed by the latest policies pertaining to trade act regulations.

Veteran's Educational Benefits
     Veterans, widows and wives of disabled veterans, and war orphans are eligible for educational benefits. The V.A. forms should be obtained, completed and submitted to the school as far in advance of enrollment as possible, and may be obtained from your V.A. officer.

      Make-up Work - Make-up work is not permitted for the purpose of receiving Veteran's Administration Training Allowance.

      Veterans Readmissions Policy - Each case will be judged on an individual basis.

     Class Cuts - Class cuts are not permitted and shall be recorded as absences.

     Tardiness - all students are expected to report promptly to each class. Any student not present at the beginning of the class will be considered absent.

     Probationary Period - The maximum length of the probationary period is one term. DVA will be notified if a veteran fails to make progress during the probationary period.

* Approved for Veterans educational benefits at all three campus locations of McCann School of Business & Technology.

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