McCann School of Business and Technology


     Organizational Development/Assessment Programs - are designed to help organizations assess where they are and where they want to be in the future. Having a clear road map for the future is key to an organization's future success. The individual programs listed below can be used as stand alone programs or can be combined to meet the special needs of the organization.

Organizational Development/Assessment Programs include:
  • Creating a Mission and Vision - What business is your organization in? Does the organization have a vision for the future? If not, this program will assist your organization in getting out of the box and think about the future in an exciting way.

  • Strategic Planning - The term strategic planning can bring fear into the hearts of many leaders. However, if an organization does not have a plan for the future the organization may be doomed to fail. Here is an easy and fun way to create that road map for the future.

  • Policy Development - Every organization needs rules that will help it but not hurt it. Learn how to develop policies that are easy to interpret, enforce, and are legally compliant.

  • Enhancing Personal Effectiveness - An objective approach to looking at employee strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Leading Change - Organizations are constantly changing. Here's how to help lead the change process so that change is not leading the organization.

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