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Center's Anchor Tenant Named

Davod Falcheck of the Scranton Times

McCann School of Business and Technology will be the major anchor tenant of the new Scranton Enterprise Center.

Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce officials said the school will occupy the entire third floor of the 41,000-square-foot building, a project of the Scranton Lackawanna Industrial Building Co., the development arm of the chamber.

McCann operates sites in Mahanoy City, Pottsville and Sunbury.

Chamber president Austin Burke said the school is good fit for the city and the new building at Lackawanna and Franklin avenues.

McCann Executive Regional Director Linda Walinsky said the decision to open the school's fourth campus came after market research that showed a need for the type of education McCann offers. The school is accepting students and classes will begin within the next few weeks.

When fully enrolled, the school will employ about 20 full-time faculty, 20 part-time faculty and eight administrators, school officials said.

The school will offer programs in medical, legal, computer networking and programming, office administration and business/accounting.

The $6 million Scranton Enterprise Center offers 41,000 square feet of state-of-the-art office space. A second phase of the project will add 16,000 square feet and $3.5 million to the cost.

The second-floor will be used for business incubation, providing up to 17 new businesses with supports such as case counseling, mentoring and financial assistance. The businesses may share conference and clerical services.

Mr. Burke said the incubator has about four tenants. He declined to name them.

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