McCann School of Business and Technology


As you know, we are continually updating our curriculum to be sure that our graduates have the latest technologies in their respective fields. Check out the new courses being offered beginning in the Fall of 2001:

B275 Introduction to e-Commerce - this course will explore the basics of marketing exchange utilizing the information highway, multimedia techniques, database marketing, and interactive telecommunications and other e-business techniques.
3 credits
Prerequisites: C330, B210

CN120, CN160, and CN165 - Microsoft 2000 Test Preparation Classes - Each course is a three credit course in preparation for MCSE exams.

L175 Constitutional Law - This course will serve to educate the student in understanding the powers of the Federal and State government; the three branches of government; the sources of congressional power; privileges and immunities; procedural and substantive due process; fundamental rights; first amendment freedoms and all other protections afforded individuals by the Constitution. Paralegal students will analyze and interpret political, social, and moral concepts associated with controversial issues.
3 credits
Prerequisites: L100, L110

A+, MCSE, and Webmaster courses - Find out information about the McCann/I/tech partnership.


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