McCann School of Business and Technology


     Workplace Issue Programs -are available to provide the most current information about issues that affect the workplace. Many of these issues were not around when leaders and managers received their degrees and training. Here is a quick and easy way to become aware of some of the hot workplace topics. The individual programs listed below can be used as stand alone programs or can be combined to meet the special needs of the organization.

Workplace Issue Training Programs include:
  • Diversity in the Workplace - Suggestions for creating a better work environment.

  • Sexual Harassment - What is it and why do employers need to take this subject seriously?

  • Safety in the Workplace - Who's responsibility is it?

  • Workplace Violence - Since there are currently no laws designed specifically related to workplace violence should an employer do nothing? What should employers do to protect employees?

  • Stress Management - Learn how to reduce and deal with all types of stress.


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