Sep - 21 - 2010

News and important information about the MBA

MBA - the carrier booster


The MBA in the U.S. is highly respected – so a lot of people think about getting an MBA in America and then go back to their home country to start a successful career. This formula sounds simple – but is it that simple? To avoid that the MBA career boost will backfire, potential students should inform themselves thoroughly before making this big step. Whoever is applying for a Top-MBA should in any case have a clear concept. After all, the choice of the MBA program depends on the career goals you pursue, what skills you bring in and what you want to achieve. Not less important is how much money you have available for your studies.


Master the application process


If you are interested in an MBA, then you should be certain that you are a suitable candidate for a top MBA program. Admissions to top MBA programs are regulated through a strict selection processes. Each school makes the selection according to its own preferences and applies different standards to the individual applications. No universal candidate profile can guarantee access for all universities. You can however increase your chances of acceptance if you do or did one or more of the following:

  • You completed your studies at a prestigious university with very good grades.
  • You have recognized the importance of globalization and you have excellent language skills and international experience.
  • You are used to work in diverse teams. You enjoy dealing with people from different cultures and countries and intercultural communication is not problem for you.
  • In your current job you have at least three years experience, you carry responsibility and get on very well with customers, employees and the company. You also have taken on management tasks and mastered them successfully.
  • Your life is stable and active. You understand that with your success you also have more responsibility for the society and have social commitments.


Find a suitable MBA program


In the U.S. alone there are over a thousand MBA programs and at first they all look alike. But you should apply primarily for the so-called top-ten schools, which are regularly at the top of the MBA rankings of the Business Week and Financial Times. The reasons are obvious: only these universities have the leading position in research and teaching, have a strong network to maintain best contacts in the business world and carefully select their students. Big international companies recruit their management almost exclusively from these schools. And there is another important thing: MBA is not MBA. Even among the schools that are ranked top the focus and teaching methods can be very different: so is Kellogg an excellent choice for marketing; Harvard and Darden usually use the case study method for education; and Wharton, NYU and Cornell are specialized in Accounting and Finance. So it is worthwhile to consider what career you want to pursue before

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