Job Placement Efforts by Shannon Brennan, Director of Career Services
One of the cornerstones of McCann School of Business & Technology has always been and continues to be our successful Employment Rate. Through our commitment to
our students and graduates, we have consistently
maintained over a 90% employment rate.
At McCann School of Business, the job placement efforts begin at orientation, before a student ever reaches a classroom. During the orientation process, we discuss
career opportunities and prepare students to develop their
own employment portfolio, which they will utilize during job interviews. Then, all new students meet with a Career Services Representative during the first term
at McCann to discuss their chosen career path and educational program.
All of our students enrolled in degree programs and many
of the students enrolled in specialized diploma programs
will participate in an Externship Program prior to graduation. This program allows students to earn educational credits while working or volunteering in a workplace setting
performing duties related to his or her major. The Externship Program enables students to obtain "hands-on" experience
in their chosen field. The Career Services Department
works closely with each student and his or her Program Director to select
a site that will be most beneficial for their career. Many students are offered permanent positions by their extern site providers.
Every graduate of McCann School of Business & Technology completes a 2-credit Career Management course, which helps prepare them to enter the workforce. This course covers every aspect of the job search process, including: finding employment opportunities, writing cover letters, developing resumes, fine tuning interviewing skills, negotiating salary and writing thank you letters. The culmination of the course is a Mock Job Interview, where local employers are brought in to simulate a real job interview and allow the students to apply the skills learned in the course.
As a student prepares to graduate, he or she will meet with a Career Services Representative to discuss their individualized career plan. Graduates may also post their credentials on our website under the "Available Graduates" link, where potential employers may review their skills. Job Placement assistance does not end on graduation day; the Career Services Department will actively solicit employment opportunities for graduates and forward their resumes to potential employers until they are hired.
Job placement is the true test of the quality of an educational institution and I believe our record speaks highly of us.
• McCann achieved a 95% Employment Rate for the 2005 Calendar Year within six months of graduation. (Actual results as of June 30, 2006)