Previous educational experiences are recognized at McCann through examinations of skill and subject matter and/or evaluation of transcripts. This may result in a change of program completion times. No more than 50 percent of the total quarter hours of credit, including 50 percent of the total required hours in the major study area, may be credited by advanced standing. No transfer credits will be allowed for courses designated as foundations. Transfer of credit for English and/or mathematics classes must be substantiated by placement test scores. All transfer, standardized testing and, proficiency testing must be completed prior to the end of the first term of attendance at McCann.

Advanced Standing by Transfer Credit
Credits earned at another accredited postsecondary institution will be assessed to determine which credits, if any, are applicable to the program the student is enrolling in at McCann. The student must have earned a grade of “C” or better and an official transcript must be received from the previously attended institution. The course(s) must be comparable in level and content to subjects in the student’s program at McCann. Credits earned seven or more years prior to enrollment will be evaluated on a course by course basis. Skills classes in which technology may have changed significantly in a short period of time may require additional testing as part of the credit evaluation. All transfers must be completed by the end of the first term of attendance at McCann.

Advanced Standing by Proficiency Testing
Students who have acquired skills, knowledge and mastery of a particular subject via work experience, study, or personal attainment are able to pursue these subjects at their proficiency levels by demonstrating proficiency in that subject through examination. The tests are the equivalent of a comprehensive final examination in a subject area and a grade equivalent of “B” is required. Any proficiency test may be taken only one time, and it must be taken prior to enrollment in the related course. Should proficiency be achieved, course credit will be granted. All proficiency examinations must be completed prior to the end of the first term of attendance.

High School Articulation Program
McCann School of Business & Technology provides a special articulation agreement with regional high schools. Under the agreement, seniors have the opportunity to earn up to 12 credits during their final year of high school that may be applied toward an appropriate diploma or Degree program at McCann.
Students are eligible to take advanced placement examinations at McCann in Document Processing, College Mathematics, English Composition I, and Word Processing. Students must enroll and attend classes at McCann within six months of high school graduation in order to earn the articulation credits.

The McCann School of Business & Technology Jump Start program is an early enrollment registration program for high school students in the eleventh (11) and twelfth (12) grades only. Please refer to The Jump start Brochure for more information. Contact the Admissions Office for details.

McCann School of Business & Technology is an accredited institution that is designed to provide the student with career training and is not designed to prepare the student for transfer to other institutions. Students who may intend to transfer to other colleges or enroll in upper division programs at other institutions should determine the requirements of those institutions and should plan their programs of study accordingly. Transferability of college credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Accreditation alone does not guarantee transfer credit. McCann cannot and does not guarantee credit transfer.

Several signed articulation agreements are available to graduates of associate in specialized degree programs.

Students must meet entrance requirements of articulating institutions. Articulation is solely determined by the receiving institution. McCann cannot and does not guarantee articulation or credit transfer. McCann students who would like more information about these available articulation agreements should consult the Director of Education.


*Based on a cohort population of first-time full-time students only.

Contact the Admissions Office for details at Hazleton, (570)454-6172;
Pottsville, (570) 622-7622; Sunbury, (570) 286-3058; or Dickson City,(570) 307-2000.

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