Performance Improvement Programs -

will address specific issues relating to performance.
Many of the programs listed under categories address
performance in an in-direct way. The programs listed
here directly impact performance. The individual
programs listed below can be used as stand alone
programs or can be combined to meet the special
needs of the organization.

Personal Improvement Programs include:

• Telephone Skills - Suggestions and
  opportunities for improving our telephone
  skills that are sometimes taken for

• Customer Service - A definition of
  customer service and what makes up
  good customer service. A four step
  process for handling the difficult customer.

• Employee Orientation - How to welcome the new employee so that the person will feel   comfortable in a new environment.

• Performance Assessment and Analysis - A systematic approach to performance   assessment and analysis.

• Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator - Knowing your personal personality type   enables an employee to better understand his or her own thoughts and behaviors.   Knowing the personality types of your co-workers can improve working relationships   and productivity. A program that can benefit both the employer and the employee.

• Enhancing Personal Effectiveness - An objective approach to looking at employee   strengths and areas for improvement.

• Time Management - Everyone is pressured to do more today with less time. Learn   some simple time management techniques that help managers feel more in charge of   the clock.

• Presentation Skills - How to communicate complex information in a short period of   time and not put your audience to sleep. Tips on interactive audience participation.

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