Skin Care Technology

Diploma Program

Program Objective
The program objective is to give the student the knowledge necessary to develop manipulative skills for entry-level into the
Skin Care profession and to help prepare graduates to qualify to sit for the Pennsylvania State Board licensing examination. Course work includes instruction in professional development, bacteriology, sanitation, and disenfection, skin structure, diseases and disorders, facials, aromatherapy, body treatments, microdermabrasion, various phases of Skin Care technology, business/computer principles, product knowledge, and other selected topics. Upon successful completion of the Pennsylvania State Board licensing exam, graduates will be issued a license by the Pennsylvania State Board. Employment opportunities may include beauty salons, spas, dermatology offices and other related businesses as an esthetician, skin specialist, educator, platform artist, manufacturer’s representative, facial product salesperson, and more.

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Hazleton | Sunbury | Dickson City | Pottsville