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McCann School Virtual Library
The McCann School of Business and Technology has a Library at each of its campuses. The electronic information resources found on this page are provided for McCann School students, faculty, and staff.
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AltaVista Babel Fish Translation Service Guides to Translating (Multiple Tools) CIA World Factbook (Country profiles & statistics) IPAnet (For each country, find profiles, markets, opportunities, business & legal data, and events.) U.S. Dept. of State Background Notes (Current country updates) MSU Global Access: Country Profiles Executive Planet (Culture & manners) East & Southeast Asia Annotated Directory of Internet Resources Portals to the World (Useful country Web sites reviewed by the Library of Congress) The Journal of Commerce Online Yahoo Government/Country Directory Union of International Organizations Links Global Edge (Links, resources, country data, etc.) Global Resources for International Trade (Links by topic, country) Mapquest (Find maps, directions, businesses) (Maps and country profiles) How Far Is It? (Distance from here to there) Geography Network (Maps and country information) Expedia Travel (International and U.S. hotel, airfare, destination info, etc.) Orbitz Airline Reservations (International and U.S. airfare) (International and U.S. hotels) Travel Document Systems (Documentation required to enter different countries) FirstGov Official Portal to the U.S. Government U.S. Census Bureau (U.S. census data and surveys) U.S. Dept. of State Travel and Living Abroad (Travel Warnings, Passports, Visas, etc.) Note: This site links to outside resources. When you leave the McCann Library site, simply click the "Back" button to return to the McCann School Virtual Library. |