Apr - 19 - 2011

Education for everyone

Education ist not for granted

In the western and modern world and society we take school and education for granted. It is a big part of our lives and we have access to an endless amount of knowledge and higher level education. Sometimes we think that school is of no use, even dispise it and would prefer not to have school. We just do not realise how lucky we are. There are many third world countries and under developed countries which simply do not have the infrastructure and money for education. There are millions of children without any education, they cannot read, write or count. They would love to swap places with our children. Therefore we must realise how lucky we are to live in such a good society and how lucky we were to be born in such parts of the world.

Donating helps

It is hard to realise all the luxury and luck that we have, whilst we are still in the middle of it. An interesting thing to do is to go and visit such countrys, they often have incredible history and traditions such as India. However some of them never developed in a stable way due to corrupt governments, wars, civil wars and natural disasters. You can also decide to help in the effort for education by donating to a humanitarian group.

Basic Education for everyone

Sometimes it might be a good idea to remind ourselves and show our children that not everyone has access to such knowledge for free. They might then understand better why school is important and how much they take for granted. This is what makes our nations great and healthy. Education is very important, it can help solve violence, racisme and many other aspects. It can also enable you to get a good job, participate in our society and make a difference eventually. The world would be a better place if everyone had basic education. It is also one of the human and children rights, we have the right to education.

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