Jun - 4 - 2012

Student accomodation

Where should you live ?

Often when you start university you move out from your parents home and into some other arrangement. This is either due to the location, it is probably in a major city and you live to far away, or it is because as you are starting to enter the adultlife you wanted to move away from home and get a bit of freedom and become independant. This is often a great experience, where you will learn a lot, get new friends and start your own little life. And it always nice to be away from your parents a bit and for once really being alone.

Some possibilities

There are different sorts of accomodation you can move into, if your parents are willing to help you, you might get a small flat. Either alone or share it with a friend or a bunch or friends depending on the seize of the flat. You might also get a student accomodation in the university campus, where you will have your own private room, but all the utilities will be public, or rather shared with other students, such as the kitchen, toilets, showers etc. You have less privacy but it is just as fun, you will be surrounded by other students and the atmosphere will be great. The third option is to get a studio, where you will get all the advantages, you will have a cheap bill, and your own privacy. How ever if you want to oraganise partys or reunions you should probably do those some where else. Or cut down the number of your friends.

It’s all a part of grwoing up

Which every solution you get or find you will remember it for all you life as a part of your growing up and entering adulthood. You will also discover the joys of having to cook for yourself every day, instead of your parents and therefore the pleasure to go shopping everyweek for food.

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